Friday, June 17, 2011

Communism is Better then Capitalism

But I like free markets best. What I like about communists, besides the fact they allow free markets, as opposed to capitalism, is that Marxists get their facts right.  At least it is a start.  Here is the Premier of China:

Premier Wen Jiabao has himself described the economy as “unstable, unbalanced, unco-ordinated and ultimately unsustainable”.

Eight of the nine top politicians in China are engineers. Something like 49 of the top 50 in USA are lawyers.  Can you imagine a lawyer like Obama or any other USA politician accurately assessing our economy?

If we dare not even mention the truth under capitalism, how are we supposed to even begin to address the problems.  If we rolled back regulations to say 1970 (and reinstituted property rights to assure a clean environment) and then govt pending back to 1990, our economy and credit would soar, and we'd be out of this mess in five years.  AS it is now, we have chosen to drag this out for 30 years, and throw in a war were bound to lose.