Thursday, June 9, 2011

Greece and Ireland and Tunis: Invest Like a Rothschild

When taxpayers are obliged to bail out private companies, it is clear there is no delineation between govt and business.  This is the classic definition of fascism.

We hear words in USA like fascism and communism, and we are conditioned to fear them.  They are fearsome "isms" but they need not overwhelm us.  We just need to know they are in play, so we may adjust accordingly.

In USA we are each on the hook for a half million dollars, given what promises to private companies the USA politicians have made.  What cannot be paid, will not be paid. We could easily repudiate the loans, watch a house of cards fall, and start over clean.  The people to which our politicians oblige us are in place because they buy off the politicians who oblige us.  We are told what steps taken are necessary to save THE financial system, when in fact they are saving merely A system.  If this system were to crash down, we would start over with a clean slate, a new system, or even the same system, reset at zero.  Nothing bad would happen, but those powers that be would no longer have the means and resources to advance war, torture, spying, lawlessness, etc.  Nothing bad would come from financial system crash, any more than a bankruptcy in which a profligate is obliged for a few years to live within his means.  But we will not see that.

There are countless ways these debts will be managed.  Hamburgers will get smaller, sox thinner, medicine more expensive, lines longer, and service deteriorate.

Ireland and Greece are in tough shape, but there are countless people in each country running small businesses who sell things, exporting dolmathes from Greece, sweaters from Ireland.  These will continue.

Rothschild said the time to invest was when there is blood running in the streets. In the middle east they are dying for freedom to work.  In USA and Europe government unions are crying out for status quo.  I think there is a difference.

I'd bet on the people dying to work.  If I found my material or workmanship was traditionally from an African source, I'd revisit that source, even if blood is running in the streets, and begin trading. Invest like a Rothschild.