Friday, June 3, 2011

Protect Your Children From Gardasil

Conservative Republican signs a law requiring preteens be "vaccinated" with Gardasil.  Merck Company lobbied heavily for this, to make it state law that a drug never tested on kids is forced on kids.

The article makes this quote:

Most insurance companies now cover the vaccine, which has been shown to have no serious side effects.

Since big Drug and big govt own big media, such untrue statements can be made without fear of contradiction.  Even when a lead researcher is appalled by the plans to give it to kids, you have to dig deep to discover this, as from wikipedia.

Dr. Diane Harper, one of the lead researchers for Gardasil, has called for more complete warnings for parents and questions its risk-versus-benefit profile because it is not yet known how long the vaccine will be effective once administered.[57] The August 2009 issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association had an article reiterating the safety of Gardasil[42] and another questioning the way it was presented to doctors and parents.
The new vaccine against 4 types of human papillomavirus (HPV), Gardasil, like other immunizations appears to be a cost-effective intervention with the potential to enhance both adolescent health and the quality of their adult lives. However, the messages and the methods by which the vaccine was marketed present important challenges to physician practice and medical professionalism. By making the vaccine's target disease cervical cancer, the sexual transmission of HPV was minimized, the threat of cervical cancer to adolescents was maximized, and the subpopulations most at risk practically ignored. The vaccine manufacturer also provided educational grants to professional medical associations (PMAs) concerned with adolescent and women's health and oncology. The funding encouraged many PMAs to create educational programs and product-specific speakers' bureaus to promote vaccine use. However, much of the material did not address the full complexity of the issues surrounding the vaccine and did not provide balanced recommendations on risks and benefits. As important and appropriate as it is for PMAs to advocate for vaccination as a public good, their recommendations must be consistent with appropriate and cost-effective use.[58]
In an address at the 4th International Public Conference on Vaccination sponsored by the anti-vaccination group the National Vaccine Information Center in October 2009, Dr. Diane Harper stated that in countries where Pap smear screening is common, it will take vaccination of a large proportion of women in order to further reduce cervical cancer rates. She also stated that no efficacy trials for children under 15 have been performed.[57][59] covered it in a reasonable way.

Here again, with girls these ages in these times, I followed this drug and had it pushed on me and my kids by doctors who do not care any more.  Happily I am friends with enough older doctors who know this stuff and warn me off.  They also read the science that almost nobody else will read.  Here is an MD against this stuff, with links to plenty of others.

Merck has a terrible track record for drugs, but excellent for escaping responsibility.  More and more people are becoming leery of big med, so in Washington State a new law requires that you prove you talked over your objection with a doctor before you object to required vaccinations.  In this way the state will have a list of doctors who teach patients the truth, so the state can destroy them.  Sound harsh?  You have no idea who you are up against.  The people who run the states have an economic problem: failed government policies.  They believe freedom is the cause of their failure (they are right), so they need more control.

Conscientious Objectors can opt out (the wealthy, the educated) and countless girls will be poisoned on their way to school.  Like hormone replacement therapy, 35 years from now there will be plenty or heartache and tears over what parents did to their kids, and the problem of no grandkids, in states that practice euthanasia, like Washington State.