Sunday, July 31, 2011

Islam is the Religion of Peace الإسلام هو دين السلام

Islam kept the "eye for an eye" justice of the Judeo-Christian heritage, including the part that the witness or the victim be the executioner.  It seems so harsh to a people conditioned to passing off their responsibility for justice to third parties, paid for by fourth parties, as we do in the United States.

In this system we have, the state becomes the offended party, and the state has no choice but to fill, and then overfill, its prisons.  And whatever the political agenda of the state powers that be happens to be, is followed by this apparatus.  In USA, the state policy is eugenics.

What a mess.

I occasionally hear on some talk radio while driving some nut, usually women, going on about Sharia law being instituted in USA.  We never got any rule of law instituted here, why would anyone think Moslems will succeed?  And even if they did, how is Sharia law worse?

Here a woman, blinded by a jilted suitor, is about to pour acid in his eyes, per the law, and she forgives him.  He goes free.  Allah favors the compassionate!  تفضل الله الرحيم Jesus, of course, said the same thing.

Why God Almighty himself recommended eye-for-an-eye law that Jews and Christians reject is, it seems, that it allows perfect mercy instead of imperfect justice.  It also provides for perfectly graded compensation, since the perpetrator is very interested in making a deal that will save his eyes. He may agree to run errands for her 4 hours a day for the rest of his life rather than be blinded himself.  The taking of the eye was a relatively rare event in history of Sharia law.  But mercy is far more likely.


Anonymous said...

Exactly. The US needs more Sharia and less statutes.