Monday, July 11, 2011


If you like recycling, you will love China.  China is the #1 buyer of USA scrap, such as paper, plastic, metal, glass...  in fact... USA is the #1 exporter in the world of scrap, and China is the USA #1 buyer.  Our #1 export in VOLUME is scrap.

Nonetheless, there is not anywhere near the market for recycled goodies as we collect.  Something like 80% or more of what we sort out, goes to the recyclers, who then bundled it up by category and then send it to the landfill where it is dumped anyway.  But we all feel better, don't we?

The City of Seattle has purchased very expensive and fancy trash cans, which feature 2 sections...

A top that collects cans and bottle, and a bottom that collects paper and trash...  so even at the city you are performing the religious ritual of sorting trash.

Eventually, and I've watched this, the trashman comes along and flips a lever below the can and bottle top portion, which allows the cans and bottles you carefully sorted to drop into the portion where the trash goes, so it is all mixed together when the trash man collects the bags.

 Tax dollars at work!