Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Government Brings Chaos

With elections coming up in Seattle, the city council has mandates that businesses with 5 or more people give sick leave to employees ranging from 1-2 weeks.  Ostensibly the reason is if people have sick leave time, spread of disease will be inhibited.  I bet we will find what everyone already knows: the rules will have no impact on the spread of disease, unemployment will rise in Seattle due to this rule.

This law starts next year, and serves to assist a grocery workers union in organizing Whole Foods.  Seattle is a progressive, union town, and as everyone knows, without more pension contributors now, the union retirees can kiss their pensions goodbye.  At the University of Washington, teaching assistants and other academic functions are unionized by the United Auto Workers.  One reason education is so expensive, or your child cannot get into college at all,  is that Detroit is so poorly managed.

This sick-leave law is crazy of course, anyone who has a growing business will avoid hiring more people, move out of the city, or do whatever it takes to avoid this.

A lawyer named Kinsella has written a fine piece of scholarly review of how most legislation and court action produce chaos.  Just as Seattle business people could no way predict and plan for this disastrous piece of legislation, so it is with most government rule making.  Here is a .pdf of the work, that other lawyers are praising.

These chaotic laws are making us poor.  The Italians have turned to Communist China, as many countries have, to bail them out.  The Italians want money.  Unless China ships Italy gold, which it will never do, Italy will not get money.  What will happen is China and Italy will agree that for Chinese support, the fruits of some Italian labor will flow to China.  What assets around the world from which Italians profited, that too will now flow to China, or at least some portion thereof.  It is not about money, it is about economic structural agreements.

The war in Libya is about keeping China from getting Libyan oil, among other things.  As Libyan oil looks less likely, Afghan supplies and routes are all the more important to China. Push Libya, push back Afghanistan.

Somalia is overgoverned, what with indigenous government covered by a layer of British and Italian government, then another layer of communism, then capitalists, finally crushing the consent to be governed at all by the people.  With ancient strategic value, various powers are backing factions and fomenting war.  Clearly the problem with Somalia is too much government, not a lack thereof.

The relevant comparison is not USA to Germany or Somalia, but USA to Hong Kong.  Hong Kong outperforms USA in all metrics, including far less government.  Freedom is the natural human condition.

There is an alternative to all of this, it's called freedom, peace and prosperity.  But governments hate our freedom, so they attack us with their rules.