Tuesday, September 20, 2011

National Language Nonsense

One of the silly ideas is a country should have a national language, that some how, non-native speakers are detrimental.  The fact of the matter is, the more polyglot a place, the more peace and prosperity.

North Korea admits only one language.  Switzerland has four official languages, French, German, Italian and English.  Hong Kong is freer yet, and most of the population does not even speak the national language, Mandarin (although they can read it), and fewer yet speak the power language, English.  Another bastion of freedom, a totally voluntary country, the Vatican, has a dead language as its official language, and probably more languages spoken per capita than any place on earth or in history.

If and when someone in USA finds it advantageous to speak English, they will learn and use it.  If not, why should that person bear the cost in time and money and effort to learn the language?  Why should one person's opinion oblige another to perform some task?  Why should third parties, the taxpayers be obliged to pay for language lessons for the first party, demanded by 2nd party busybodies?  If anything, if we love peace and prosperity, we should mind our own business when it comes to what languages people prefer to speak.


Anonymous said...
