Friday, October 14, 2011

Belgium: 18 Months, and Still No Government

The people of Belgium have escaped to anarchy.  With no government or king, they thrive.  Since powers that be will ever seek domination, what meetings occur end up taking power away from any government that may at some time form.  Sounds like a new Hong Kong.  Small, Indefensible.  Accidental.  And if the euro falls, maybe they will get a sound currency too.

The need for government is sheer nonsense.  We can certainly live without it.  It does take citizens being responsible, especially for their own self-defense.  Indeed, the first encounter with government the Jews had, when they demanded it of God (1 Sam 8), was over the issue of the Jews getting others to defend them.

Freedom is grounded in property rights, and protected by self-defense.  A big topic.  We are all happy to trade security for freedom.  Of course, the trade means you lose both.