Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Conspiracy Facts

We are conditioned to hear the word conspiracy and associate it with "theory" and "nutjob."   But conspiracy itself is a necessary and sufficient term to describe when people get together and advance some secret plan.  In law it has a specific meaning when it relates to criminal activity, indeed the word means to "breathe together." So there are conspiracy theories, and conspiracy facts.  When bankers and drug dealers and pizza shops get together to launder money in violation of banking laws, it is in fact a conspiracy.  We even have heavier penalties for conspiracies (more than one person cooperating) than solo crimes.  The famous RICO laws were designed expressly to break up conspiracies.  Conspiracies are a fact of life.

The word conspiracy is taking a beating right now because it is associated with 9-11 and the idea the government had something to do with it.  One plausible theory, with much to support it, is intelligence ops were watching a crew of terrorists who scooted ahead with 9-11 before the dimwit intel ops people could intercede.  Oooops.  We would all hate to think that is true.  Who knows...

We do know that an American Border Patrol agent was killed when, as  a matter of fact, ATF officers conspired to allow guns to be bought in USA in violation of our laws and sent to drug criminals in Mexico, and one of those guns was used in a firefight that killed the Border Patrol agent.   Oooops.  This much is undisputed.  It is quite sickening to read the attitudes of those who came up with this idea, and operated it.

It is also instructive to see how Pres. Obama and his Atty General Holder are squirming under the spotlight for their particular participation in this conspiracy fact.  They claim to have been unaware, but the facts prove otherwise.  The lesson I take from this is sure they knew, but no they did not comprehend.  People who routinely act for bailouts, murder, torture, domestic spying, etc are not going to see anything wrong with sending guns to murderous criminals.  The simply do not have the moral fiber to spot the problem.  Neither did Bush and Cheney, et al., but at least their handlers kept them out of direct involvement.

In this sense, Obama and Holder are, yet again, being set up.  That their advisors would allow these emails to get in front of them was pure betrayal.  This is substance being larded on the effort to "blame the black guy."

Also in the article various ATF agents are shocked, shocked that such a conspiracy would be in place.  It is a bit tendentious for an ATF agent pulling down $100,000 a year plus full bennies for casual, part time flexible work, in Mexico, to claim this is a betrayal or some such.  As if they do not know.  The chief of the conspiracy, Voth, quite explicitly threatens these agents sinecure and suggests the can switch to prison guard work at $30,000 full time if they complain.  Voth quite expressly sums up federal law enforcement with that one line.

These federal agents understand their work ultimately is about protecting the profits of drug companies, tobacco or whatever, and they are not about to risk their lives for that. I don't blame them, I wouldn't either.   It is about the pay, bennies, pension and gig.  Sure some get killed, but often it is mystery.

The way to avoid these problems is not a change in presidents, but stop subsidizing and protecting USA drug interests, and gun interests, etc.  Let the free market in these goods sort itself out.  No body murders anyone over food, and we all need food.  Deregulate something, anything.

And on the domestic front....

Working with a cop to help him write his story he credibly related how cops often frame citizens and lie in court.  Here is a NYC Policeman stating the same.

So there is no way of knowing if a convict did the deed.

Nonetheless, a Florida politician makes a call to bring back firing squads, along with advice on how to wear pants. I am not making this up.