Sunday, October 16, 2011

Gibson Pushes Back

Emerson noted a flaw in democracy was it took so few people to get country into war.  And when we concentrate power in the hands of a few, it can take so few people to raise a private jihad.  Someone in the government has decided Gibson Guitar must go down.  But Gibson pushes back.

I hear tell top musicians no longer risk taking their old, wonderful, excellent musical instruments with them on tour, to the detriment of their audience, because the control trade lows apply any any instance, even antique examples.  If there is a bit of Ivory inlay in your 120 year old classic guitar, it is seized.  A superb, but now controlled, wood used in the $20,000 violin, it is seized.

Eagles made it on the protected species list.  Big fines if not jail if you get caught even with feathers (best for fletchings).  Chickens never made it on the endangered species list. We eat chickens, we do not eat eagles.  that is why one is endangered and the other not.  If mans consumes you, you have no risk of going extinct.

Whatever Gibson guitar is using, Gibson is also assuring it would never go extinct.

Extinction happens when the government steps in and makes policies that distort the market.  When the US government repudiated property rights, lakes and rivers were widely polluted.  Pesticides flowed in a killed the fish.  Eagles are scavengers and eat the dead fish floating on top first.   That killed off the eagles in Seattle.

The state cleaned up the lakes through regulations, and kept going too far.  all we really needed to do was return to respecting property rights, which forbids you letting pesticides flow off of your property, regardless if the property around you is homesteaded or not.

It like the discrimination practices in the South.  I was the government that passed the Jim Crow laws, LAWS, that forbid blacks from eating at a lunch counter.  MLKing could fight the laws all he wanted, he got no change.  It was not until they boycotted businesses, that the businesses (who wanted blacks money anyway) pressured government to change the rules.