Saturday, October 8, 2011

How Government Works

There are plenty of doctors out there who dissent from what is being passed off as medicine.  They warned against treating people like Buicks, with standardized maintenance.  You will be treted like a buick by people with all the integrity of an auto repair joint.

A designer friend of mine, and native american with full "free" medical care experienced internal pains that her free doctor diagnosed as a pulled muscle and loaded her up with free steroids.  Ooops.  Stomach cancer that accelerated with steroids to all systems...  she was dead within months.  What pro-single payer health care people do not understand is government health care is necessarily inappropriate, rare, expensive and slow.  In a free market it would be more better cheaper faster.  It is government intervention that made it so bad, government intervention that gives cover to the bad guys who charge too much for the wrong things.

One of the big anti-Obamacare scares is the death panels who decide who lives and dies based on secret rationing systems.  Ridiculous!  Never! Say pro-govt health care people.  Too late.  Obama already has a death panel that can button US citizens for murder.  They got the black guy to do it so the next president can have it without controversy.  After Obama is defeated in a few months, they will still blame the black guy.  Elijah Muhammed seems to be right, blacks need to be separate but equal to get a fair shake in USA.

Just as government intervention in the rating agencies did so much to advance the economic crisis, so government backing of med associations does so much to ruin medicine.  Lemme see, hormone replacement therapy... pap smears, breast cancer screening... now all are inadvisable... and o yeah... prostrate exams, bad idea...

But it is free...  I'd love to see a health comparison between those who have employer-paid health care and those who do not... a great masters thesis, or even phd work in public health.  It would not surprise me if those with no health care are better off than those with it.

It is a standard operating procedure of government to solve problems that do not exist.  In this way you cannot lose.  In this way they can make up problems, scare people, and then always declare improvement or worsening as political and funding requirements demand.  

There was no health care problem in America before the govt got involved.  And all of this "health care" activity is crowding out cure activity.

The same thing applies to law enforcement.  Go after am innocent Martha Stewart since it is easier to get a conviction when you make up evidence against and innocent person that it is to prosecute a guilty person.  A guilty person knows what they did wrong and how to fight it.  An innocent person believes in the system, and has no idea why they are targeted or what they are supposed to be guilty of.  Why go after a Bernie Madoff while he is stealing billions and many people know it when you can nail a Martha Stewart, quick and easy and make a name for yourself?

Why take on a tough case of stomach cancer when you can just pass out steroids like you do for everyone else and get another oldster, native american off the rolls?