Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Is America Resurgent?

Like Rosa Parks, I ain't movin',  so there is nothing I'd like better than for USA to return to peace and prosperity.  Indeed, my teaching is my small effort to help us get there, since a renaissance requires a small business component.

Ergin writes to point out an article from the Telegraph:

Hope you and your family is doing well.I came across this article the other day. Would you care to elaborate? As always thank you so much for being a great motivator and a teacher.ergin..

The first fundamental problem is we cannot have peace and prosperity with centrally planned banking.  Unless we have a free market in banking, there is no coming back.

Second, without a renaissance of new and small business, we cannot recover.  The closer you get to local government, the more vicious the attacks on small business.  The rules and regs on small business crush what would be marginal but viable and profitable employers.  In Seattle recently you must make your employee restroom available to the public if you have more than three employees; parking meters go to 8pm at $2-$4 an hour- if you are not big enough chain to have a parking lot, your small storefront suffers from people unwilling to risk tickets. Never mind these kinds of rules have been shoveled on for 40 years.

Third, Wall Street and Washington have trashed America.  If you plan to stay, then the place has to be cleaned up, and that has to be paid for.  If we stopped the trashing of USA, and raised corporate taxes on profits to 95%, it would take about 30 years to get back to some sort of equilibrium.  I don't object to the tax increase, but it won't work without a concomitant elimination of vast swathes of government.  Without a massive reduction in government, the tax increase will just be wasted on more of the same.

But to stop the trashing, we'd have to bring the troops home and stop the bailouts and subsidies and pro-welfare queen rules for big business in USA.   Neither is conceivable in USA.

Germany in the 1930's was the envy of the depression-plagued world.  Keynes praised Hitler's program in the forward to his German-language version of General Theory, and from China to Argentina to Japan to Britain to USA the progress of national socialism was widely admired and copied.  Sure Germany looked good until 1939 at which point Hitler had been cover boy on Time magazine a few times, but then it started looking bad.  But with Keynesianism, war is baked into the cake.  USA is Keynesian.

Even if every single advantage Evans-Pritchard mentions was operative, then our big gov/big biz leviathan would simply mulct and waste it.

If there is any hope at all in the article, is the stuff is not operative, we will not resurge back into another national socialistic boom time, and avoid the inevitable war that follows those policies.

The USA has weakened itself to where it is reduced to whacking its puppets.  We were not designed to be an imperial power, we do it poorly.  With any luck, we'll return to being the land of the free, the home of the brave.  But we are headed in the opposite direction now, with no light anywhere. Not politics, not education, not law, not science, not religion, not medicine, not military... Occupy Wall Street and the Tea Party were instantly and expertly bought off, everyone has been bought off.  This has brought chaos in its wake.

So, you must do what right and wait for the Deus ex machina.