Friday, October 21, 2011

Lesson To Iran

As Lew Rockwell points out, this is what USA is teaching Iran and North Korea, who have nuclear programs and WMD:

This man had no WMD or nuclear arms:

Credits: Bush Family Album - via google images

This man gave them up to please USA:

Credits - Nobel Peace Prize Committee, via google images

So lesson to world leaders: to protect yourself from USA citizens killing you, get WMD!

From Hillary's 1969 Commencement address, as school leader...

"We're searching for more immediate, ecstatic and penetrating mode of living. And so our questions, our questions about our institutions, about our colleges, about our churches, about our government continue. The questions about those institutions are familiar to all of us. We have seen heralded across the newspapers. Senator Brooke has suggested some of them this morning. But along with using these words -- integrity, trust, and respect -- in regard to institutions and leaders we're perhaps harshest with them in regard to ourselves."

Livin' Large on Veni Vidi Vici (a quote from Julius Caesar, the dictator), she on Gaddafi's murder.