Thursday, October 20, 2011

USA Schools China

After days, not weeks, of USA fomenting chaos in Libya, USA has schooled China on how the oil business is played.

China was under the impression that international trade was about peaceful coexistence and the rule of law.  China had signed oil contracts with Libya, and USA cannot allow that.  So Wall Street suggested to malcontents in Libya on a leveraged buyout of the Gaddafi regime: take Libyan assets (oil) and pledge them to USA for USA murder of Gaddafi and overthrow of his regime.  After 50 years of peace and prosperity, Libya will be under rulers who are willing to play the game of work for USA by crushing domestic dissent.  Watch closely how the game is played, because what goes around comes around.

Now China has a problem.  As they entered the world economy after 500 years of isolation, they told their people that the world was a place of the rule of law.  Now they have to tell their people they were wrong.  The Chinese people must trim their hopes and dreams to the confines of what is permissible to Wall Street and their ganymedes in Washington.

At some point, the Chinese people will ask "how come?"

And then there will be a fight, and what goes around comes around.  Let's peek at our future:

Photo Credit : Goldman Sachs (via google images)

As Louis Farrakhan says, "There is a murderer in the White House."