Saturday, November 5, 2011

How Leftism Invites Fascism

At a meeting a longshoremen had been challenged on the point of being a communist and earning a quarter million a year as a longshoreman.  The fellow replied that as a communist, because he was a communist, and that the longshore union was dominated by communists, workers earned a quarter million a year.  He was an example of communist success, not failure.

The Longhoreman's Union business agent for the company I managed in San Francisco was a communist, quite proud of it, as his father had been.  Years after our association needed, he left the union and began teaching labor studies.  He watched a gang take over the longshoreman's union local, and could not help but reflect that the very processes and assumptions of practical marxism leads to criminal takeover.  Indeed, since not only was the Soviet Union a criminal enterprise, so was the National Socialism of Germany.

Fascism is a flavor of socialism, since it is based on the collective.  The argument is over who is in charge.  In fascism the government and big business is one, with big business in control.

The leftists of the Occupy Wall Street (OWS) crowd maintain and internal contradiction:  Big Business controls government; we need government to write regulations to control big business.  The OWS cannot conceive of any alternative to government action, so they are condemned to be bound within its narrow range of options. Business, yet once again, will write a new set of regulations which will benefit them further, and the OWS will disband satisfied they were heard.  And things will get worse.

The Tea Party people, in the name of freedom, will demand more police and oppression and prisons and the leftists will concede, since they cannot conceive of a alternative to government action, to fascism expanding.

Both sides are susceptible to the argument of false parity.  If anyone suggests an alternative to government as a solution, they immediately say "we don't want to end up like Somalia" as if Somalia is the poster child for freedom.

Somalia and such "failed states" are the result of too much government, not too little.  Soldiers form dozens of countries patrol such places, legacies of gangs propped up by Soviet, Italian, and US regimes contend.  Christians and Moslems try to escape the chaos by offering religious alternatives.  Special ops foment strife with false flag actions. The IMF and World Bank run shops there, as well as countless NGOs.  And the big troublemaker is the "charities" who bring in grain to at once destroy the local markets and empower the kleptocrat warlords.  The amount of government overwhelms any possibility of commerce, above the "I'll cut your hair if you'll patch my tire" economy.  As in Egypt people of good will form self-defense associations when things are chaotic.

If we want to see what less government looks like, we should look at a place with less government: Andorra, Iceland, the Vatican, San Marino, Monaco, Hong Kong, Switzerland, Singapore.  Hong Kong almost no one pays taxes because almost no one is required to do so, government is rarely the topic of conversation since government has so little to do with anything, and countless peoples and languages are spoken and people living in peace and prosperity because they are left alone to to well while doing good.
The less fortunate are amply provided for because charities are so well subscribed.  Health care is affordable because it is not in government lockdown.  Hong Kong is so illustrious that the communists were obliged to copy it in first a dozen, now 20 places in China.  Socialist Lite India has followed suit with 20 free economic zones, but without the boldness of China.

Today a Hong Kong would not be permitted in USA largely due to social conditioning.  If we were true to our founding traditions, USA would be an amalgamation of 100 or 500 Hong Kongs.  But that would require getting back to states rights, which we are conditioned to equate with slavery and racism.

So the leftists have no choice but to accept fascism since there is nothing else dreamt of in their philosophy than government control. Ultimately the fascists, whose businesses subsume government, get the upper hand. They may not like fascism, but leftists will accept it if it is the best government can do.