Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Quantum Levitation and Distribution

Because we do NOT have a free market in the USA, we will not be the first, if ever, to have magnetic levitation transportation.  Instead of freedom, in the form of deregulating roads in USA, we get lockdown on money transfers and "anti-terror" searches of Greyhound bus riders.

Even our SuperCongress fails, not that anyone should hope.

The set-up is our people have been conditioned:  "only the government can provide roads.  If you are against government control of roads, then you are against roads."

Never mind that some 60% of roads in USA are privately provided.

But just like no one could see the internet coming when phones were deregulated, we have no idea what we would see, if roads were deregulated.  Although the video above suggests clean, cheap universal transportation.  But we cannot have it because most Americans believe we cannot have peace unless we attack other countries, we cannot have prosperity unless we have welfare payments.

Get self-employed so you have options.