Sunday, November 20, 2011

Religious Tolerance and Freedom

We have a social contract, in which we all pull together, under the leadership of people we elect, for the common good.

Without this, we’d be in chaos, in another Somalia.  

What if I do not believe that?

What If I did not personally agree to this, and I want no part of it? What if I don’t want to pay taxes, fight in wars, pay into social security?  What if I want no part of the courts, and don’t want my kids in your schools?

You’d say I am generally nuts, that I can just leave, and the cops and the soldiers who protect our freedom, the hard men on watch in the cold of the night, are there for good reason and what about the roads and food safety and the social safety net and all the other things good government provides?

I would point out that to this day in USA no one has to be drafted (even when there is a draft), pay social security taxes, federal taxes or join any particular religion.  The religion thing we’ll get to in a minute, but my point is when this country was founded, there ws no expectation that anyone would be obliged on any other points that today most people take as mandatory.  Roads were in privates hand originally, and to this day 70% of firefighters in USA are volunteer.

And our government still allows me, an individual,  to hunt down criminals on my own, 
 to make arrests, become an attorney general on my own initiative and mount a law case, defend myself in court.

Of course I can home school, that was never in debate until the last few decades.

What happened was a counter-revolution, one that constrained freedom, in the name of that most basic human urge, and that is to get someone else to do one’s fighting.

We will agree to the most aggressive compassing if we can avoid having to face aggressors.  In 1 Samuel 8 we see the first recorded story of this, and the specific goal of the urge is to get others to fight for us.  To find someone else to be the hard men on watch in the cold of the night.

There are places where the the hard men on watch in the cold of the night is the farmer with the gun, what American once was.  USA changed, and became a super power.  Then it went after a country where, like USA once was, where the the hard men on watch in the cold of the night were mere farmers.  That country was Vietnam, and it defeated us, the world’s superpower.  The farmer in Afghanistan are doing it as well.  I was that someday USA is as strong as Vietnam or Afghanistan.

The religion thing is not significant today, but was the most important issue of loyalty in the history of mankind.  Once religion demanded loyalty, and we see that is not necessary.  Nonetheless, in USA the demands of intolerance of other religions is very strong.  Our law enforcement acts on it, with the FBI actively fomenting entrapment among the Muslim population, building false cases against people who defend Muslims.

It is not I who is against the system, it is those who have changed it who are against it.  There are so many vestiges of the once great, peaceful, prosperous republic we once were.  Now we  are a democracy, so that we can have the hard men on watch in the cold of the night. Instead of ourselves.  But those who changed it find their changes are not working out.  So they are busy stealing anything not nailed down.  The best self-defense is self-employment.