Thursday, December 15, 2011

Banking & Why Neither Left Nor Right Has a Solution

Why neither the left nor right will ever address our problems:

View this excellent 20 minute video on banking, and see how it works.  Then ponder this:  you can see the evil of Wall Street in practice, but the practice funds both the left and the right.  Neither is going to vote or regulate themselves out of existence.

Watch the follow up video, the plot thickens and it gets even better.    His conclusion is we can have all we have without the mischief of fractional reserve banking.  Perzactly!

Capitalism, or communism for that matter, or any ism, is simply a set of practices that gets codified in law.  Those laws we call “positive” or statutory, as opposed to common law or convention out of practice.  People clamor to systems that offer security in trade for freedom.  None of us has the right to make such a trade, but most people do.  No one has the right, but everyone has the power to do so.

Natural law points to a set of practices that leads to peace and prosperity, but the paradox is that it has no structure, no command post, no commanding heights.  This offends those infected with libido dominandi, and their minions who fear having to defend themselves.  Between these two stand the vast swathe of humanity, those who demand to be oppressed and those who with sheer contempt oblige.

it’s a false dilemma to think in terms of choosing either left or right.  That is no choice at all.  The choice is slavery or freedom.  One aspect of slavery is violent domination.   One reason USA lasted so long is it always had an escape option, a safety valve for those who prefer freedom.  We can decline to serve in the military, we can be not subject to federal taxes, we can act pro se in court, we can own guns, so many options.

But the powers that be made their big play under covr of Obama.  The president can have a list of people he wants killed, a secret list, formed in secret, by secret people.  That will not be undone, the next president will have it too, and she’ll use it.  And the military can arrest anyone they want and disappear them, like in some South Americn country.

What goes around comes around, and those horrors over the last several decades were all bought and paid for by USA taxpayers.  Now those horrors will come home to USA.  But the difference is the safety valves are no longer necessary.  The president can murder anyone he wants and he has.  Now there is no reason to tolerate, or offer a safety valve, to any citizen.  As Stalin said, “no man, no problem.”