Tuesday, December 13, 2011


USA has been threatening Iran.  China is backing Iran, with Russia. A USA drone lands in Iran and is captured.  USA has a base near the Seychelles.  China wants refueling and resupplying in the Indian Ocean for its Navy. A USA drone lands at the airport in Seychelles.

China has no bases overseas.  China buys what they want.  For the USA base in Diego Garcia, some 2000 inhabitants were forcibly removed in 1971 (not 1871).  Those drones appear to be hacked and taken over.  This would demonstrate a balance of power that factors China, if USA does not have a technology advantage.

Any innovation, once introduced, becomes standard.  China is behaving as USA once behaved, when we were peaceful and prosperous.  We need to bring our troops home and re-new freedom here.