Saturday, February 19, 2011

How to Resist Government Oppression

Here is a series of videos that should be standard viewing for anyone desiring to enter international trade.

The fellow who posted the videos had this comment to make, inter alia...

"The government is not being inconsistent."

This is why the bad guys will win.  The assumption that if we just get the right people in government all will be well is fallacious.  Government has no role in regulating food supply.  It is by the very act of regulation that they put a halo on violence.

Before the good woman revealed her politics in the films above, I could see she was a marxist, since she had her facts straight.  We miss much when we do not listen to Marxist history.  In her third talk she calls for democracy and conflates free markets and fascism.  This is an unfortunate non-sequitor that puts people off.  Hitler and Mussolini changed regulations, but they did not eliminate them.  In fact national socialism is heightened regulation, exactly what USA is under right now.

What will save Estrella, the small cheese company being destroyed by a FDA supernumerary,  is free markets, not "the right people in power."

Also, the "right people in power" launches everyone off on a quixotic journey.  What we need to recognize is Estrella is targeted by one person, abusing his power, in order to gain promotion as the crackdowns widen.   If he is successful, he will be promoted.

The tactic being used to defend Estrella is expected, it is how everyone responds.  Estrella can win if they adopt another tactic.  Do not fight the FDA, everyone loves the FDA, however unrequited.  End out who the rogue FDA agent is, the bounder, and argue against his actions.

Next, fire your lawyer, and demand the US Attorney take this to trial.  Demand a jury.  And defend yourself, pro se.  Yes, you will face a blizzard of resistance and foot dragging, but the moment you get an answer from the US Attorney in any form, your tormentor must begin to be careful. You will begin to get the upper hand. It is all creativity after that, and then you truly have the upper hand, because you play by your rules, not theirs.

The system depends on your faith in them, everyone's tendency toward Stockholm Syndrome, and the fact that the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak.  Your body will give up the fight before you spirit is ready.  In short, you'll get sick, and they win.  They know this.

So, fight the good fight.  Take on a merry attitude, take this directly to the US Attorney, and demand to be prosecuted or left alone.  Cast the fight as you against a rogue FDA agent. Nonviolent resistence, it is our only hope for good cheese.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Entrepreneurs Take No Risks

Here is the beginning of my post, delete this sentence. And here is the rest of it, delete this sentence.The customer is the most important element in business, the one we serve.  Getting the product  (or service) right is the hardest element.

If you get the product right, everything else, including finance, is easy.  As to product, the only opinion that matters is that of the customer.  You must speak to a customer at some point, why not do that first?
These ideas that pop up are best treated as hypotheses, to be tested.  Go straight to those you dream will be your customer, and propose:  “If I show you (state your product or service) I believe you will be my customer”  Do not try to sell, that is too hard.  Expect a “no” because that is most likely.  But every “no” comes with a “because” which in turn is feedback for ever improving your product and service, until it is viable.
 Work on the problem, set all of the other stuff aside (biz cards, office, licenses) until you get the offer right.  Then worry about all the rest.  You need take no risks, you need never go out of business.  You are the content, just be cold blooded about the process.
Peter Drucker in Innovation and Entrepreneurship makes the point the entrepreneurs take no risk, and this is an example of what they do: entrepreneurs are paid, in part, to eliminate risks.
As innovators we entrepreneurs introduce the new, and over time the conservators bring their economies of scale to bear on our products, lowering the cost and making what we introduced, lo long ago, to more people at less cost.  See the cell phone, or sushi. The relationship between small and big business is symbiotic, properly composed.
All of that hard stuff about being self-employed will never go away, it's is just life.  There may be a narcotic effect to being employed by someone else, inasmuch as many of the slings and arrows of life can be avoided hunkered down in a cubicle.
Being self-employed, we are paid for bringing ever bit of our being, physical, mental, spiritual to the task of serving others.  In effect, we are paid very little relatively for being exercised quite completely.  We are challenged at every level.
Being employed by another, we are specifically limited by practice if not contract, to operate within a very narrow scope. Clearly the employed have the better deal in pay: they get more for less. We self-employed have to put out much more for less money, since we get no overtime, we gat paid only when we serve.  Nonetheless, the world is clearly a better place for our efforts.
While the employee spends his free hours, after laundry, Seinfeld re-runs, sleep and what not, pursuing his private lifestyle, to the extent the paycheck allows, we entrepreneurs spend every moment living our lifestyle, paycheck or no.
I might make the argument that those who seek employment and its narcotic effect are denying us the good of their contributions, the more and better we would have at our disposal if they got in the game with the rest of us.
Wealth is usually defined as relatively a lot of money.  A better definition is wide price accessibility to a comprehensive selection of goods and services.  Yes Hong Kong has 5 times the billionaires per capita of USA, but the real wealth is far more people per capita in Hong Kong can pay for far more goods and services than we can in USA.  Now that is wealth.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Excellent Short Film On Entrpreneurs

Biznik has put out a film that is quite good on entrepreneurs...

China and Gold

In a free market, where money is as good as gold, wars, bank-rip-off, welfare-based genocide is almost impossible to achieve.  That a gold-based currency would so upset the evil system that is is specifically prohibited by the IMF:

Technically, a full gold standard isn't an option. Under the IMF's first amendment to Article IV of Agreement, ratified in 1978, participating countries are not allowed to peg their currency to gold.

According to this article, China may be attempting to make its currency the world reserve by backing it with gold...  if so, perhaps the Communist Party of China will in fact introduce the peace, prosperity and freedom in anarchy that Marx had in mind when he developed the philosophy of communism.

Since USA has declined to be that alabaster city shining on the hill, perhaps China will do it.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Phil Spector Works Out His Design

If you look at the fellow to the right, you see it is Phil Spector, and if you listen, you here in 1958 the beginnings of the wall of sound, his trademark style...

Then, by 1963, he had mastered the style...

then finally the Beatles produced by Phil Spector.


All competing on design...

Help Wanted Computer Programming

I've noted tht the internet has achieved a wonderful goal of government: self-reporting.  Government once knew you subscribed to the New York Times, but had no idea what you read, or what you thought abut it. Now with the internet, the govt knows what you read and what you think, and who you know.

One reason the internet is free is so they can spy on you, just like the reason media mail is hugely subsidized is so what you read goes through government hands.  Now comes a lawyer-genius who has developed a way to get govt out of the internet and spying.

By contrast, with tens of thousands of individual encrypted servers, there would be no one place where a repressive government could find out who was publishing or reading “subversive” material.

Plenty of work here for the self employed...

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Man Who Admits Iraq War Lies Says No Other Way

Now that the Egyptian people have shown, as the Tunisian and Iranian people have shown, that the people of a country can overthrow a dictator, the man responsible for the lies regarding WMD in Iraq admits he lied, but says there was no other way to rid Iraq of Saddam.  Send him to Egypt.

Of course nobody believed Bush/Cheney when they claimed they knew, so Gen. Colin powell was trotted out, since his career has been a a series of milestone lies.  Maj. Colin Powell began his career on the way up by lying and covering up the My Lai Massacre.  Colin Powell claimed no GIs were left behind in Vietnam, knowing full well GIs were left behind.and here (chapter 26 note 9)  And the to cap his career, they brought Powell out to lie about weapons of mass destruction.

USA soldiers were massed at the Iraqi border prior to the invasion of Iraq.  If any general believed that Iraq had WMD and delivery systems, then that general was a fool or criminal.  Defeat would have been quick for the USA forces.  The fact that our troops were masses proves we already knew there we no WsMD in Iraq.

We need to get back to our constitution, bring our troops home, and build peaceful trade worldwide.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Panama Canal Competition

My grandfather surveyed the borders of Colombia and environs in anticipation of the US Govt seizing Colombian Territory in order to capture what would be the Panama Canal and the country of Panama.  The Colombian "rebels" seized the land right along the borders USA had surveyed, USA betrayed the Colombian government, and backed the new Panama government. Now comes China to provide an alternative to the canal, and financing is assured.  Again, few people understand what China is doing, and less know how they are financing it.  I think this unobserved element is what is going to catch everyone off guard when the crash comes.  You read it hear first:  the TBills China owns are being used to finance the re-organization of world trade patterns.

The canal uses locks to get a ship from the atlantic the the pacific. Pop quiz:  Which body of water is higher?  The Atlantic or Pacific?  Answer below.

Answer:  neither of course... since both oceans are at the same level.  The Chagres river fills the locks which floats the boats up and over Panama to the other side.

15,000 TEUs

When a good sized ship is 3,000 TEUs.  Check out this monster ship, the Emma Maersk, designed and built to haul Walmart goods China to USA.  Check out this video overview.  As a lad circa 1970 friends and I would go down to the docks and visit with the Soviet ships and practice Russian.  The sailors who built the ships were obliged to sail them in the Soviet system, something of a quality control method. 

Impressive...and the amazing thing is in spite of the fact it is five times bigger than the standard ship, it sttill only takes 13 people to crew it.   Protectionists are circulating this ship and its purpose as an example of trade distortion, noting the ship sails back to China empty.  But it goes back empty because it moves so fast, and is dedicated to walmart...  why waste time loading and unloading westbound traffic when so much money in the eastbound (to usa?)  USA still exports plenty to china, just on other ships...  at 15,000 teus, this equals five other ships, but big deal, there are hundreds plying the trade...  the ship makes more money in one way trade than it could in 2 way...

Walmart had a problem, there was not enough lift and shipping capacity to move product just in time... the solution: this ship.  Better for the rest of us now, with some walmart freight off the ships, rates lower for the rest of us....

Finally, USA still buys more from canada than china.  
Guardian, UK

Beautiful NonViolent Revolution

As long as the Egyptians can make their own choices, this should end well.  And for we who must overcome the puppetmasters here in USA who pulled the strings oppressing the Egyptions by distorting their free markets, we have much to learn as to how it is done.  And here is a reluctant hero's account.

telegraph UK

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Black History Month

Prophetic witness in his own land: