Monday, January 30, 2012

Blame Obama, Hillary vs. Mitt, violence

In the last year, as a google search term, Blame Obama went from 25 million hits to 250 million hits. But Blame Bush is way up to, now 43 million hits, from 10% to 20% as many as Obama.  He is catching up!  But he was in office twice as long, not to mention his dad, another Bush, was in for 4 years.  Blame Clinton brings up as many as Bush, but there are two Clintons to blame.

All this is to run Obama out, so Hillary can be president.  Mitt will become the Republican candidate because polls will show he can beat Obama.  But when it gets down to it, elections will show he cannot be Hillary.  Mitt is a socialist, and socialists do not like him, conservatives do not like him, so hillary will win.

In the meantime, calls for violence continue to be made.  Just remember, if they call for violence, they work for the powers that be.  Sure, protest and get tazed, peppered or even a nightstick shampoo, but never strike first or strike back.  (And even the most superficial head wounds bleed like crazy, so they make great photo-ops).