Wednesday, January 18, 2012

US Government Hijacks Government Pensions

The US Supreme Court ruled that social security payments were a tax and the Social Security System a program, so no money need to be sent aside and no guarantees they payouts happen.  What we get instead is a chimera of security.

Yet again the US Govt has tapped federal pensions.  At some point they will not be able to refund those, so the fed employees will be out of their pension payments.  O, they may still get a check, but a loaf of bread may cost $3000.  Or a loaf of bread is $10, but you wait in line 4 hours to get it.  Or it is 50 cents, but none available.  In any event it will be ugly for those who believed in the capitalist system, just as it has been for those who believed in socialism.

And when the fed pensions are spent and gone, then the govt will go after private pensions, the IRA, Roth, Keough, etc.  They will seize them to protect them.  For your own good.

The trick is to offer the false dilemma of democrat vs republican, a two party system.  Who will hurt us less?  There is a third option, to withdraw one's consent to be governed.  Secede in place.  Nonviolent noncooperation.  If we ignore them, they will go away.