Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Cheapest Worldwide Telephone

For my first 20 years in business, to make a call one had to find a telephone.  Of course one had a telephone at the desk, but to call outside the city was expensive indeed.  Then came cell phones, and then voice over internet.  Now cell phones can do fantastic things, but they cost at least $50 a month, minimum.  In the good old days, phones were about $10 a month maximum.

Well back to the future.  If you can stand making or receiving calls only within range of a wifi hot spot, then you can have worldwide telecommunications for about $10 a month, again.  For us who once had less access to phones, that compromise is no compromise.  How to do it?

You all know what an iPhone is, Apple's amazing cell phone.  Well, the iPhone has a twin, called the iPod Touch.  It can do everything the iPhone can do, it just has no cell phone circuitry. But it does have wifi circuitry.  So, for $10 a month, you get VOIP telephone, all USA and Canada, and overseas for cheeeeep.  You can assign your present phone number to the iPod touch.  If you are out of wifi, the service takes a message.  O and text messaging is no extra cost.

Here is info on the iPod touch, so you can learn more about it.  Apple sells it cheapest on Amazon.com.