Saturday, February 4, 2012

Roman History

For those who took Western Civ in high school, and learned about Rome, one wondered why the Roman legislature let one man become dictator, and bring on such evil.  How could this come to pass?  Great fear?  Personal danger?  Quite the contrary.  We can see how it can happen this very day.  When congress passed the NDAA, and gave the military the right to arrest and permanently detain congress without due process, they did so with eyes wide open.

Love of money is the root of all evil, and for those who lust for power, libido dominandi, their power is threatened.  The system that rewards them astonishingly well is falling apart.  They personally haven't the slightest idea of what to do about, or for that matter the inclination even if they did. There are a few Ron Pauls out there that care and understand, but they are too few too late.

Capitalism requires bailouts and war to keep going, just like socialism.  Both have to prove their ability to keep people in line and extract people's earnings to pay the elite's bills, or their credit dries up and the game is over.

Like everyone else, those congress people expect to be elsewhere when the arrests start, or if they start sooner than expected, feel they understand the game well enough that they themselves will not be arrested.  Or more to the point, whatever the risk, the alternative, being a nobody who works for a living, is a fate worse than death.  We all think we are personally exempt.  Maybe it is so in some cases, but I doubt any of us really are, one way or another.

This is why they dumbed down education in USA.  We've seen all of this before.  We know what is next.  Well, we do if we got an education.