Wednesday, February 22, 2012

State Department And Export promotion

Our State Department has announced that is is getting into the jobs creation business.  Here is how:

Although it’s unclear what the exact structure of the State Department-private sector relationship will be, the concept could potentially be a boon to the U.S. economy, said Ted Alden, a senior fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations.  “You’ve got in the embassies abroad what really amounts to market intelligence—people on the ground who are familiar with the business environments in the countries in which they are working and companies are looking to break into,” he said.

Now, haven't they being doing this all along?  Haven't I over the last 35 years been told this is exactly what they do?  State has always had paid programs where you can buy "market intelligence."  I guess since no one wanted it, they will know give it away for free.

Speaking on Tuesday before more than 200 major U.S. executives operating in more than 120 countries, Clinton laid out the State Department’s plans through a concept Clinton coined “Jobs Diplomacy.” Under this approach, U.S. diplomats will take a more active role in looking out for U.S. business interests abroad, making a stronger effort to share their knowledge of foreign markets with U.S. multinationals.

This is something new?  Is not the reason we were in Vietnam and the Balkans and Iraq and Afganistan precisely to protect American biz interests, to make the world safe for kleptocracy?  And note "multinational" means huge business, so we are out on this one, as usual.  And does she think a single one of those 200 executives thinks there is a single person in the State Department who has the slightest understanding of business, let alone their business?

This was a campaign speech that cost us taxpayers a few million dollars. We need freedom, not programs.