Monday, April 30, 2012

Financial Panic, Retirement, and Retiring Nuke Plants

Mish has an excellent essay on people planning now to work beyond their life expectancy, and the calls for the government to take over their pensions and savings to protect it from market vagaries.  And how it relates to Nuclear Power Plants retiring.

Do you have any particular preference as to how it all ends?  Meteor shower?  Serial nuke failures?  Unbeatable virus? Having nuclear power plants operate beyond their lifespan because one does not have the money to properly shut them down is rather dire.  But who cares, the bigger the disaster, the more it is "the government's problem."  Hey, Obama (or was it Bush?) gave BP the oil drilling licenses!

The Europeans are starting to panic because no one is borrowing money.  And this might hurt business, or so the argument goes.  Nonsense.  People are not borrowing money and so they are learning to live without usury.

Although the press is highlighting a suicide in Greece purported to be related to austerity measures, most Greeks are figuring it out.  Who needs the state?  There is where the panic is, as people realize they do not need the state.  It is similar to 911, when USA saw all of the money we put into defense does us no good. Panic set in, and our political masters are still in a dither, expanding TSA and wasting obscene amounts on hacked,  unworkable weapons systems.

The panic has arrived, and it is in the hearts and minds of those who want to lord over others.

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