Sunday, April 1, 2012

Poor People's Tax

Before lotteries hit washington state, two politicians went to jail for discussing it.  Then the lotteries came.  A study was done to find out who bought tickets.  It showed the poor, minority and uneducated were the big buyers.  Ooooops... so another company was hired to study it, and guess what, they found it was actually rich white people who were buying the tickets.  Whew!

So comes a study that we all already knew, it is poor, uneducated minorities who buy the tickets, and they do so because it offers "the only chance for radical change." 

No one told them about self employment.

This is how it works:  discourage a group, flood its community with welfare money, drugs and lottery, and let gravity do its work.  It is genocide.
There is a reason religions forbid lotteries and lassitude, it kills.

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