Monday, April 9, 2012

Running the Iran Blockade

Even transactions USA deems legal present so much risk that banks are staying away from the Iran trade.  A blockade is an act of war, and the USA has initiated war on Iran.  We started the war.

But nonetheless, there are people running the blockade, shipping goods into Iran, and banks financing the deal at 6 - 8%.  Germans are engaging in forfait, a word you do not hear very often.

Even though the deals in question are "legal" from the USA embargo rules, foreign banks financing the deals do not want to go on the record, for fear of USA scrutiny of the dollar transactions.  This makes for more resentment of USA around the world.

And legitimate businesses, regional suppliers ot Iran, are going under due to the USA policies.  So what do we get from USA policies on Iran?  More bank profits, small businesses crushed, war, more resentment of USA.  We could just pull out and buy the oil.

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