Thursday, May 17, 2012

Buffett Buys Papers

When the telephone made quick communication easy, it was captured by regulators who turned over to the few.  When the airplane made travel faster, it was captured by regulators who turned over to the few.  When the radio made mass communication cheap and plentiful, it was captured by regulators who turned over to the few.  TV too.  Hitler built the autobahn and the Volkswagen to cruise it, and then shut down the German borders (except for soldiers...)  It is what states do.

Bill Gates has done it, and Warren Buffet it doing it, buying newspapers.  Maybe they are really just buying the ground under the businesses, the real estate.  But Buffett once called newspapers the only megaphone in town.  The internet changed that.  The internet represents a loss of power to the state.  If the internet must be restricted, like German borders, then newspapers will be, again, the only megaphone in town.

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