Wednesday, May 2, 2012

The FBI Nabs Anarchists, no... Politicians

One reason 911 happened is USA law enforcement is aggressively ignorant about the world around them.  The FBI recruits the particularly obtuse, and so they are reduced to making up plots to warrant their existence.  With utter lack of decency, the FBI in one case promoted blasphemy to pursue their evil ends.  The core problem is the lack of common decency in the FBI.

Now comes the joint terrorism task force, breathless from breaking up a plot they no doubt fostered.  First they identify their victims, who acted on a plan to blow up a Cleveland bridge, as "anarchists."

Had the FBI begun hiring only high school graduates?  Do they not know that anarchists are devotees of "no king"?  People who blow up bridges do not desire to live in peace and prosperity, they just want to take over the rotten system in place, they merely want to be in charge.  Anarchists promote peace and prosperity, they are nonviolent.

We will learn in time that the FBI supplied some knuckleheads with the plot, and the pretend explosives, and then arrested the twerps.    The FBI nabbed common criminals, the type of people who aspire to political power.

But the FBI is collection of apparatchiks whose job is to defame and and entrap people of limited imagination.  There is a simple truth about "law enforcement."  It is far easier to get a conviction on someone innocent, because you can control the evidence you manufacture, than it is to convict the guilty, over whom you have no control of the evidence.  This explains why Martha Stewart went to prison and Bernie Madoff got a free pass.  There is no reason to have any confidence in "law enforcement."  But this makes for an opportunity.

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Update:  less than 12 hours of stating the above....  yep!