Thursday, May 3, 2012

Retail Recovery

Retail is changing, and there will be a new landscape when it all shakes out.  My guess is that there will be more and stronger Big Box stores, and more and stronger specialty stores.  What will kill off the in between is the internet.

A big problem with specialty is driving people to your website, and the cost thereof.  For some people they will get lucky get traffic drive too them, like these "shops"

This seems to be a take off on Amazon/s MyHabit.

Both use the term "curator" which was a function of the independent sales rep.

Now if these are both just a sort of glorified groupon, then it will not work out.  Either the retailer will go out of business by increases sales with tighter margins, or their customers will figure out they are unloading junk at fake high prices.

The fake high prices thing in regular retail is being killed off at JCPenney where an Apple Exec has taken over.

There is no way to predict how all of this will shake out.  So you do what you always do.  Test. Measure.  Fine tune.  Repeat.  Learn. Act.

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