Thursday, May 10, 2012

A Worldwide China Brand

A remarkable phenomena is in spite of China being 1/4 of the world's population and likely the oldest civilization, it does not have a sigle brand known worldwide.  No home grown Coca Cola, Nike, Tiffany, IBM, etc.  Here is an article that says that is about to change.

The article does claim that Lenovo and Haier are world wide known Chinese brands.  I don't think they count.  I recall the sale of IBM computer biz to Lenovo which was advertised as a mere name change, so it is not quite the same thing as a organic China home grown company known worldwide, and although I know Haier well, I doubt most Americans would recognize the name or know what they make (refrigerators).  And I believe they bought their way into the market by buying maytag.  Neither of these is an example of a domestic business in china that gre worldwide form their products, like say IBM or coca cola or tiffany.

What is more interesting is Huawei, and organic home grown brand, making a bid to be a worldwide brand.  They very well may be the first, and if so, of a very long line.  Critical to this will be the security in the China market of their brand.  I have no doubt China will do it, by means of the "clean business" campaign.  Anyone who is working with China right now should be well versed in this "clean business"  or "social credit" campaign.

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