Saturday, June 16, 2012

Unemployment is Voluntary

One matter keeping the USA from economic recovery is our labor laws and minimum wage laws, but another is the idea of labor theory of value.

While communists absolutely subscribe to this theory, and Catholic social teaching seems to do so,  the anarchist website also seems to endorse the labor theory of value

The labor theory of value says something is worth the amount of time it take labor to make it.  The free market says the value is what a customer will pay for it.  Which makes more sense?

Marx also conflated free markets and capitalism, when in fact they are enemies.

The labor theory of value is emotional blackmail economics.  "I worked hard!" cries the school teacher.  

From this error many more flow.

Happily I am not obliged to subscribed to the views of some anarchist name Davey. 

In anarchy customers call the shots, not labor, any more than the bosses call the shots in anarchy. Value is subjective, and subject to marginal utility. The labor /management conflict is a false dilemma. In capitalism, the capitalists want to abuse the consumer.  In socialism the workers want to abuse the consumers.  Each has a state whose patterns and practices support whomsoever it is abusing the consumers. In anarchy, you serve others without the transaction costs imposed by the state.

So one reason we have so much unemployment is people expect that, under the labor theory of value, they should be paid a living wage, whatever that is.  So people wait to be paid what they are worth.  And while they pay for food with an EBT and collect unemployment and welfare, the rest of us are denied the good of their contribution in the form of innovation.

The primary reason why all unemployment is voluntary is that anyone can start a business.  This is something neither the catholic church nor the communist party seems to apprehend.  There is something called "self-employment."  Islam assumes this, what with Mohamet being a merchant.  One would think that as a carpenter Jesus was self-employed, but how often do Christians take seriously Jesus?

Now, I've already talked about behaving as self-employed if you are employed.  So how to get employed quickly if you are unemployed?

The first thing to do is to find the lowest level paying work you can.  Get down to Home Depot and take day labor.  Get out to the orchards to pick fruit.  Get yourself in between unemployment and demand for production.  Then work for your ten or 12 bucks and hour.

What happens is those who are paying very quickly spot who is worth what, and make offer based on that.  You will find yourself working for nothing, but you'll be working where things one way or another are being produced even if it is just cutting lawns.  And from here, you will rise to where you are most productive.  If the person paying you is not right in their assessment of your value, you can compete.  

But in any case you are not unemployed.

I picked fruit one year with a view to getting into exporting ag and it worked out pretty well.  I got a lot of insights and experience.  Now, one fellow I worked with had a racist theory of value, he paid me more than the Mexicans because I was white, although I had no chance of being as productive as they are.  Jesus said the laborer should not object if the master pays the latecomer the same as the one who worked all day.    Miguel said "We work it out in unemployment insurance."

I say the world is a crazy place, but if you are not working you are not living.  And all unemployment is voluntary.  If the market says you are not worth very much, the work your way up to more value.  Personal transformation is a big part of self-employment.

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