Monday, June 4, 2012

Breathless Vatican Reporting

Scandals!  Rocking! Vatican!

During his weekend trip to Milan, the pope has made no reference to the affair, which began in January 2011 when an Italian television show first aired leaked documents alleging cronyism and corruption in the Vatican.

Probably because it is of little concern, inasmuch it is of little import.

The pope made no mention of the leaks scandal but spoke of the damage to family life that modern society can inflict.

Maybe the pope talks about things that matter.

"The one-sided logic of sheer utility and maximum profit are not conducive to harmonious development, to the good of the family or to building a more just society" he said.

Just so, and anarchy would be the way.

And another headline tells us a missing girl was kidnapped for Vatican-associated sex parties...  with absolutely no evidence.  This is how the state press goes after you if you are anti-war.

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