Tuesday, June 19, 2012

ExImBank Back At Wasting

Re-authorized by congress, the EXIMBank is busy wasting money and distorting markets again.  Here is a new initiative:

During the summit, Chairman Hochberg gave an overview of Ex-Im's Small Business Initiative. The initiative was launched in 2011 with the goal of increasing the number of U.S. small businesses that export American-made goods and services. This is an integral part of President Obama's National Export Initiative to double U.S. exports by 2015.

By definition a USA small business has not penetrated the entire USA market.  Selling overseas is more difficult and more risky.  For a small Ohio business to choose to export to Kota Kinabula than sell to Atlanta is a foolish business decision.  But that is what we get.

And this Small Business initiative was started in 2011.  Weren't we just told that the ExImBank has done so much for so long for small business.

When Hillary is president she can eliminate the ExImBank.

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