Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Understanding Wisconsin and Your Pension

You do understand that the election in Wisc is not about whether or not the teachers get cheated out of their pensions.  That has been decided.  They will.  It is all about demonstrating to the world that teachers getting cheated out of their pensions is a done deal.  The message the markets get is USA is stronger financially because USA has cheated the teachers out of their pensions.  That liability is gone from the balance sheet. The powers that be are more creditworthy.

These pensions were never sustainable, it was clear back in the 1970s and it was clear politicians were just buying votes with promises, so anyone "out of a pension" is really out nothing but a bad idea.  

Of course this current iteration is just a few marginal percent of the pensions, but the message is clear, there is no limit to how much can be trimmed.

The response is to vote for unregulation and for freedom so people can make the economy grow so life is easier.

Now, the result will be across the USA, leftists and so on wills see Obama did nothing about this.  To whom can they turn?  Why......  Hillary 2012!

And Hillary will benefit as the economy benefits by teachers getting screwed out of their pensions.

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