Tuesday, July 24, 2012

David Stockman On What's Going On

David Stockman was Reagan's Budget Director until he told the truth and got canned.  he didn't care, he just kept telling the truth.  He is an example of two things:

1. Countless people saw this economic disaster coming, and said so.

2.  People whose philosophies are beneficial or know what is going on cannot be in Government leadership.

There are no exceptions to this.  Name one.

Here is an excellent review of where we are and how we got here, and what to do about it.  What he left out is the banks and consumers are doing the housing bubble thing again, right now, and worse, with educational loans.  It is worse because before at least there was a house.  Now we have java coders taking on huge debt to be come roofers, and roofers taking on huge debt to become java coders.

The really bad part is this ends in war.  Well, what goes around comes around.

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