Sunday, July 15, 2012

Dying of Thirst in UK Hospitals

Make that 130,001.  When there is a strict policy to kill people through withholding water, messages will get mixed and they will kill the wrong person.  Here is a stressful story out of the UK where a patient could not get the nurse to give him water.  The doctor would not either.  He called his mom.  She told him to obey the nurse.  He called the cops.

He died of thirst.  Now his parents are unhappy.  How come, at no point, did someone not just give him a glass of water?

What do people expect from assembly line medicine? Note how expensive his conditon was.

But it is necessary to get rid of the people who are of no benefit to society.  Those who are a drain on the state.

Such stories scare the living daylights out of those normally targeted, and here is the heartwarming story of a lad who does not care to be helped by others.  Notice his work involves wheels.  I suspect it is just a ruse.  I think he is plotting a means to escape national health care.

There is no shortage of health care.  There is no shortage of food.  There is no overpopulation.  There is only problems in distribution, caused by state intervention in markets.  It starts with usury and ends with violence of war, after which the cycle starts again.


Usury is forbidden by all major religions.  The picture above is from an article where I commented at the bottom of the article.

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