Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Free Market & Green

Climate change hustlers annoy me, because they lie to get your money, and ultimately seek legislation to maintain pollution levels.  I say no pollution.  Because I love nature.  But we can have no pollution only in a free market.  I love it when people who love nature make something nasty beneficial.  Like swimming pools.

You must see this website featuring natural swimming pools.  Have any idea how many pounds of nasty chemicals go into a swimming pool each year?  Even the natural ones that use salt-water?  (Salt concentrated is pretty nasty too.)  And do you understand how synthetic hormones in the Pill are peed into pools and then recycled constantly through kids?  The EPA refuses to test for hormone levels.  Private tests are showing alarming results.

the daily green

Also, not noted, medicine is finding that video games keep boys from rolling in the dirt , an activity challenges their immune systems and makes them stronger.  Theory is this non-challenge is the source of auto-immune diseases.  These pools expose kids to beneficial pests.

Also, how come no fishes in the pools?

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