Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Gates & Darwin Join Forces

Following George Bernard Shaw's suggestion for getting rid of undesirables, following Darwin, the nazis came up with Zyklon B.    I believe the powers that be learned their lesson and now use slower acting chemicals to destroy populations.

Having failed to make any change in education, in spite of billions spent, Bill and Melinda Gates have thrown in the towel on education and now are getting back to their first efforts, reducing population in Africa and  Asia.  For women, for the children, all that.

The problem with capitalism is it denies us innovations to address problems because it concentrates too much power in too few hands.  Between usury, intellectual property law, and taxing the many to protect the few, freedom is so constrained that we are denied the good of all the competitors.  The Gates know their billions are safe from taxes in their "charity" as long as they stick with the program.

Update:  How come those white people who think there are too many people on the earth always work at reducing the number of people brown and darker?

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