Friday, July 20, 2012

Фильм "Елена" The Movie Elena

There is an excellent little film that the Russians put out which won a palm d'or at Cannes.  Everyone should see it, but be prepared for a meditation, not an entertainment.

The topic is Putin's new Russia, which of course is not so new.  The acting is extremely good, and everything looks exactly how life is in Russia.  The focus is on class conflict, a wide swathe of Russian population vs a very narrow group of wealthy.

The movie concentrates on a family of welfare-queen lay-abouts who want good things without lifting a finger, and the very well off retired businessman who thinks they ought to give life a try.   Mediating the two is a classic Russian Mother Hero.   There is much more to the movie, but as I watched those two sides characterized in this Russian movie, I was thinking the characters could be straight out of any welfare state.

I won't reveal the turning point in the movie, but sometimes I think I go too far in things I say in this blog, and then I come across the exact same point in a gold medal international film.  I am actually so behind the curve!

A father daughter dialogue in the middle of the movie is worth the price of admission by itself.  And the last scene, of a lay-about looking over the balcony at energetic lads playing soccer, I think people will miss.  The indecency of the extreme individualism of the welfare mindset vs the decency of the creative competition of the pick-up soccer game.  An excellent icon of the challenges we are all facing.

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