Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Why Paper Money?

Here is a silver dollar, pretty common, one ounce, worth today about $30.  You can find these in any coin shop.

People did not trust paper money, so the state introduced silver certificates, also worth one dollar, a warehouse receipt for a dollars worth of silver sitting in the mint, top.  After a while, the state got rid of those and passed out fiat currencies, bottom.


If you have silver certificates, you cannot get silver.  The USGovt repudiated the debt.  Silver certificates are a collectors item, you might get $2 for one, but not $30 worth of silver.  I have several.  See how easy it is for the state to break promises?

Today you can get say 6 or 7 gallons of gas for the one dollar silver coin.  Same as 1957.  In silver, prices are stable.  But with a paper dollar you can get maybe 1/5th of a gallon of gas.  A paper dollar buys far less. With paper, it is easy to print a lot and lower the buying power.  See why it was beneficial to the state to get rid of silver coins?

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