On Aug 3, 2012, at 7:42 PM, A.M.A. wrote:
I get how deep unregulation works in say education and law. This is a no brainer. Hw about medicine. I don't know how this works. Like who do I choose to say ...
Better way to thing about it is "mmmm chocolate. Oooo Godiva." End of story. Same as "eeeek anthrax!" "Ooooo... Bob's better bacteriophages." Why do we have to think of medicine in such universal terms? Why not think of terms of coffee in coffee shops, beer in taverns, bottled water from a spring? Why not allow medicine to be completely unregulated so that friend with cancer can go to the corner drug store and get a cure $29.95, over the counter? the reason we can't is we are conditioned to think of medicine as one thing, to be dealt with as an integrated whole. just as you note, no one brain can wrap around the totality. All of the politicians and supreme court justices (I repeat myself) and bishops (there I go again) cannot wrap their brain around solving the problem of "health care." The minds of a couple of thousand cannot replace the brain power of billions of decisions everyday.
If Odetta makes money doing up people with cornrows she can be jailed. How is it anyone's business except Odetta and her client? If Bob is shooting up people with bacteriophages how is it anyone's business except Bob and his client? But but but! Anthrax is contagious! How do we know Bob's bacteriophages are human grade? What if Bob misfeases? In a free market we can imagine besides Bob there is a company who earns fees forensically tracking who Bob's patient had contact with and notifies them of the exposure. People will pay to find out if they should be treated. Yelp will tell the world about Bob's efficacy. Bob's insurance company will be inspecting him regularly to assure they never have to pay out on any claims. And businesses yet will emerge for which we have no inkling.
And note, no Government needed.
You don't need to know how it works. None of us does. In a free market on a hot day a guy with a cooler full of chilled beer just shows up right on time. And another guy with Tamales. Right on! We can stay here in the park and enjoy the day. In a free market like Hong Kong. But not in USA
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