Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Five Bullets for Every American

A retired general has some concerns about DHS and the Ecology Dept and NOAA buying millions of rounds of bullets banned by the Geneva convention, clearly to be used on Americans.  Says the general:

Were I the JCS, and if I wasn’t already fully briefed on this matter, I’d stop the purchase of hollow point bullets, ask the secretary of Defense why all this ammunition is being purchased and spread around the country? If I got answers like the ones Congress got during the investigation of Operation Fast and Furious – I’d start tracking all ammunition deliveries nationwide to find out what organizations and units are using them, for what purpose and, if it is not constitutional, prepare to counteract whatever it is that they are doing.
This is a deadly serious business. I hope I’m wrong, but something smells rotten. And If the Congress isn’t going to do its duty and investigate this matter fully, the military will have to protect the Constitution, the nation, and our citizens.
Jerry Curry is a decorated combat veteran, Army Aviator, Paratrooper, and Ranger, who for nearly forty years has served his country both in the military and as a Presidential political appointee.

Wait, what?  A military takeover?  How about not?  How about USA citizens are already armed, and if a crew from NOAA decides to move on citizens, let the citizens deal with NOAA administrators.  Just let Americans arm themselves more fully.

The problem here is election fraud is so widespread that they people have no means to effect change they desire.  This is due to the problem Immanuel Kant spotted when the USA was being formed.  Kant noted we have checks and balances, bit allowing lawyers, members of one branch of government, to serve simultaneously in another branch, the executive  and legislative, is an inherent conflict of interest.

Well it is worst than that, instead of securing our freedoms, the lawyers have so hamstrung the populace with Pharisaical rules we cannot effect change or amelioration.  There is a simple fix: forbid lawyers from serving in either the legislative or executive branches of Government.  We do not need a law, if we all simple never vote for a lawyer, we can do much to avoid civil war.

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