Friday, August 31, 2012

Hillary In 2012

Proof positive that Hillary Clinton will be the next president of the United States is the fact that she is literally at the opposite end of the earth from the Democratic convention.

I am not sure how, but within this week there will be a crisis that forbids the nomination of Obama for a second term.  The crisis will be solved by Hillary taking the nomination.

Whether it is proof he is not born in USA, or a groundswell of democratic rejection of Obama, or whatever, he will not be nominated.  Whatever it is, it will not be a matter of violence, because the Clintons are better than that.  What I expect is a "grassroots rebellion" within the democratic party, which will bring in all of those Ron Paulians who have been rejected by the Republican party.  If the Democrats are the party of grassroots movements, then that is where they will go.  Won't the Paulians delight in watching the odious Romney/Ryan ticket get floormopped by Hillary due to the Paulian vote.

I'll even go further:  the drama of Hillary, leaving an important meeting half-way around the world, to come to the convention to save the democratic party, and America, will be very exciting for the faithful. How all will breathlessly track her travel from the farthest reaches to come to the convention. It will be compelling narrative for the entire country, especially in contrast to the stillborn Republican convention.  And further, when it comes time to accept the nomination, she will walk the length of the convention floor up to the podium to make her acceptance speech.

We'll know in a week.

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