Friday, August 31, 2012

How Come We Have State Parks?

Once upon a time, people opened parks for everyone to enjoy.  Then the State opened parks, at no charge, but a much higher cost. The "no charge" but more expensive state parks ran the private parks out of business, and then the state took over the private parks, at a higher cost. Eventually this system failed, and now the states charge far more for the users of parks than private owners ever would.  IN Washington, it is hard to get a car tabs renewal without making a donation to the state parks.

Not only that, but the states misallocate funds what funds are donated so repairs cannot be made.  For businesses around the parks, this is bad news.

So in one instance, the businesses made repairs to a park the State could not afford.

The state Department of Land and Natural Resources had estimated that the damage would cost $4 million to fix, money the agency doesn't have, according to a news release from department Chairwoman Laura Thielen.

What we do not know is how must the surf shacks and flavored ice shops paid to fix the bridge.  I doubt it was $4 million.  Maybe $20,000.  And therein lies the problem.  The State makes big solutions for little problems, and then charges too much because it spends too much.

We need to return to a time and place when parks were private, like say Hotels.

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