Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Joys of Raw Milk

Few below forty years old will credit it, but many of we older folk recall when bread was Wonder and Cheese was Velveeta, which was neither bread nor cheese.  A big breakthrough in cheese when they figured out how to put it in an aerosol can.  People were conditioned to fear real bread, real cheese.
Against this trend were the intrepid who came back from Europe and re-introduced real bread and cheese.  Wine saw a similar renaissance, after being conditioned to drink some nasty wines in USA.  In the 1970s Orson Welles  pitched Paul Masson with the tag line "We serve no wine before its time."

And he was not easy to work with...

I stress Plan A in business startup for the simple reason it is most likely.  Occasionally there comes a Plan B option, to buy something off the shelf.  And this would be the Swiss Raw Milk dispensers.  What are they? Check this out. (NB, some bad words.)

Your fear of raw milk is 100% social conditioning.  Big Milk has been harming your health for decades, and needs to have its subsidies and regulations eliminated.

Anyone intrepid enough to import this item would be in an uphill battle against Big Dairy and its assault teams at the FDA and USDA.  But the very fact you would be assaulted would be great advertising.  By fighting the powers that be via pro se, you'd be able to afford the legal challenges.

You may find your product poisoned as was apparently done to Chilean fruit growers by the FDA.  The likely motive of the poisoners was distress at Chile's economic boom after the overthrow of Allende.  There was an internal investigation, but nothing came of it.  In the Government, whistleblowers are prosecuted, but not real criminals.

All those people who fought uphill battles before you for bread, wine, cheese did good while doing well.  If you've ever had raw milk, and know its benefits, then you may have the passion necessary to do this work.

And you just may end up like Willian McGowan who fought the telephone monopolies and founded MCI.  He became a billionaire.  Drink up the wonderful, healthy goodness of raw milk.

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