Friday, August 24, 2012

Mish On Robots

Mish has a two part series on robots taking over the workforce.  He is optimistic, as long as the state stays out of the way.  I agree.

What area could robotics benefit us more and allow our economy to recover and grow our way out of our problems than to unregulate transportation.  If all levels of Government got out of funding and regulating transportation, we'd see a renaissance in transportation, most likely with mag-lev.

When man travelled by horse, this new motorcar, train and bicycle, bicycle makers in USA and France began making airplanes, something no Government had any part of.  Eventually The state arrested development of this technology, but there you have it.

People would not be put out of work with robotics, we have instead of 10,000 man hours experimenting with lab cultures, printer technology has been adapted to 10,000 microexperiments done in an hour in a lab.  Faster cures for more diseases is the result, if medicine were unregulated.

Kropotkin railed against the division of labor, for fear people would be stuck for life making one thing, a horrifying prospect.  But Kropotkin never saw a robot.  The division of labor is precisely what we need, with say a specialist in bacteriophages.  This is more possible the more we have robots doing repetitive, programmable work.

I met a fellow who had an irrigation system that reduced water usage by 60%.  That would be a boon.  Except, use it or lose it.  Water is a very valuable right in a capitalist society.  If you cut water usage by 60%, then the rights to the water will revert back to the State.  In a free market unused water would be homesteaded by new farmers.  Econony'd grow.  Our problems always et back to the state.

Night soil is nasty business, but think of robots handling it and processing to to put on fields.  We'd reduce synthetic fertilizers and lessen oil use and all sorts of nasty industrial toxins.  State says no, because the state is owned by big biz.

Our water systems are poisoned by synthetic drugs that get peed into swimming pools and our lakes and streams.  Govt in charge, and EPA refuses to test for hormone levels, except in relation to dairy wastewater.  Far more women taking estrogen than cows.  Robots could monitor this stuff.

The modern luddites are the bankers and usurers who trap people so they can not give us innovation, given the power of robots...  and the IPR people who block innovation.  Unregulating banking and IPR would help.

We need much freedom becuase there is much to do, or undo. Here a doctor explains why when you think you are eating healthy cracked wheat whatever, it is closer to crack-wheat.

Note that I said "modern" wheat, because I would argue that what we are being sold today in the form of whole grain bread, raisin bagels, blueberry muffins, pizza, ciabatta, bruschetta, and so on is not the same grain our grandparents grew up on. It's not even close.

 Freedom will give us better food for all, better medicine for all, housing, clothes, everything.  Instead, the Government has bought five illegal bullets for every American.

An election will change nothing.  Time for sack-cloth and ashes.

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