Thursday, August 2, 2012

Ron Unz on Race And Wealth

Scientific racism is a pillar upon which the US economic system rests.  Ron Unz does an exhaustive refutation of leadings authors in support of this theory.  In the comments to this article, there is some serious heavy lifting going on in support of scientific racism

Unz works too hard. The evil is simpler to discern than parsing the numbers requires. The IQ tests are white man tests.  The more you are like the people who make the tests, the better you do on the tests.  The tests themselves are absolutely no predictor of success or wealth.  Nonetheless, they are widely employed?  How come?

Think about it.  We live in a regime of scientific racism.  That is some pretty vicious stuff.  If you can "pass the test" you'll be earmarked for a better life, but not guaranteed, by the scientific racists who are in charge of the commanding heights.  You can be a victim or a perpetrator.  Given the choice, who wouldn't take the latter?

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