Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Generals Gone Wild: Soldiers, Suicides and Afghanistan

Two more soldiers committed suicide in Afghanistan, this time Generals. Generals Petraeus and Allen.  Their activities have ended their careers, in disgrace, if not in prison. We learned this year that more US soldiers in Afghanistan commit suicide than are killed by the Taliban.

What is so awful about Afghanistan?  Ennui?  Pointless boredom?  The realization that it is an occupation to control oil.  It's a big business "protect our interests" gig.  An unjust war and an unjust cause.

Bored soldiers do stupid things.  A General who has time to create 20,000 to 30,000 emails to a groupie has serious mission focus problems.  Or a realization there is no mission.

People who believe their own PR do stupid things.  This week a young marine beat up a wheelchair-bound army veteran because the marine though the veteran was faking it.  This "thank you for your service stuff" goes to peoples heads.

The United States Congress, picks our generals.  They pick who gets to go to USMilitary academies too.  Nobody puts on stars in any service without the say-so of the people.  And The president can take those stars off.

So, this gets to congress.  These elective wars have ruined our economy and our country.  People blame Obama, when he did not start them.  Congress keeps them going with funding.  People voted for Romney to keep the wars going.  Romney lost.

We have an automatic military spending cut coming up.  Everyone says, "this ain't about generals and groupies, it is something bigger" and likely so.  (It may just be video, Paris Hilton style, and why not, people so stupid as to leave email trails, you just know, the cameras were rolling too.) But congress is going to have the job of sorting out the military.  So whatever it is, take care of it.

We have plenty of excellent officers to draw on, we know, because over the years they had the honor to resign rather than to play in the military of Petraeus and Allen.  They were generals who did not take orders form their privates.

The USA was never designed to have a standing military. Start there.    Cut back to one general, like Switzerland.  Revive the citizen militias.  We'll be as safe from invasion as Switzerland is, and as unable to pursue suicidal adventures as Switzerland is unable.

Let foreign potentates hire out "Seals" and "Deltas" like the Vatican has its Swiss Guard.

And let's get as peaceful and prosperous as Switzerland.

Update, here is the fellow who brought down Petraeus and Allen, in the picture he tweeted to one of the Pentagon groupie gals.

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